Friday, February 5, 2016

Focus {Five Minute Friday}

There has been a mass panic among our family and friends. My husband and I deactivated our Facebook accounts.
For me, it started in November of last year. I was on my Cursillo, and was cloistered for 3 days. Three days of not knowing what was going on in the world. Which of course meant no clock (because really who has a watch anymore). To know the time, I would have to listen for the church bells, and most of the time, I was listening to a talk and could not hear the bells long enough to catch the beginning or end.
When I came home, I took Facebook off my phone. I instantly saw how much my productivity increased, not only at home but work as well. It was amazing.
Over the holidays, I would go on Facebook via the computer, but would log off quickly. I wanted to see how my friends were doing, how their babies were doing, look for an occasional post that was interesting...but then the constant bs of negativity or worse flooded my feed. I was over it quickly. My husband followed suite (not by my doing at all!) and then a couple of weeks ago, we clicked the hidden "deactivate" button.
Maybe for a year, maybe for longer, maybe forever.

We are now able to focus on what is important. Our family & friends. We have to actually talk to them, rather than catching up on social media.  The difference in our own house is amazing. We can watch a television show together (and no spoilers!). My husband and I go to bed together, and rather than seeing what someone had for dinner, or a rant of some sort, we see each other and it is peaceful, loving and intimate.

Focusing on our family and real friendships has been a blessing.  We interact how God intended us too. Now don't get me wrong I am still all over Pintrest and obviously blogging, but the time I spend on social media now is not even half the time I spent on Facebook.

Until Next Time


  1. Love, love, love this post, Elizabeth! I deactivated my facebook account several years ago for the same reasons, and I haven't missed it. Due to our homeschool co-op having pertinent info communicated via facebook, I've been using my husband's acct to check on posts. And I've been sucked back into the world of wasted time. Thanks for this convicting reminder!


  2. Hi, Elizabeth! Good for you! I love the focus you have found in your relationships without Facebook. That is so wonderful that you and your husband have connected better too. I recently took Facebook off my phone too---it's been really good, but I confess, I miss it late at night. It was providing a sort of relational comfort and affirmation instead of God. Now if I could convince my husband to take it off his phone...;) Here's an article I put in my blog newsletter this week about a guy who took a year off Facebook: you might enjoy it especially!

    Also, thanks for the new word: "cursillo". I had to look that up. I would love to hear more about what that retreat was like for you.

    Blessings! -Christina @, #56 at fmf this week

  3. My husband despises FB. Myself? I love keeping up with everyone, esp. distant family, but every once in a while I hit the deactivate button too...not so much lately, I'm a volunteer small group leader with Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study, kind of hard to disconnect from FB and lead that group, haha. (I'm hoping to this summer when group leaders get a break) Good for you for taking the plunge! Thanks for stopping by our blog today (

  4. Stopping by from FMF. Good for you! I'm not on Facebook, but I am on Twitter. That takes up a lot of my time. Focusing on those around us can do so much more for our relationships and happiness.

    ~#8 on linkup
