Friday, August 14, 2015

Five on Friday {actually 6}

Well friends it is FRIDAY! The kids all survived their first week of school {well I am assuming so, as it is not yet noon}. This week has been a real doozy for me. First, I will start with last weekend my #1 son was sick with strep :( Then on Monday, I started to feel a little under the weather. I had the day off, so I called my boss and told her I would probably be out on Tuesday. Tuesday, I went to the doctor and they started to treat me for strep (hey if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck). However, Wednesday I was worse. I was having problems breathing and really just wanted to die. I went to the ER and turns out I have pneumonia.
All I have to say is I am not thrilled by this at all. I hate being sick.
Today, I am feeling a tad bit better, although walking around the house gets me winded.

OK so back to the post! I have 6 favorite PEOPLE I want to highlight this week. My darling children!

#1- This kid is in 8th grade? WHERE did the time go? He will be 14 at the end of the month and is already looking for a job?
Seriously, I cannot handle this.

 #2- Welcome to Junior High! Although I have only had him in my life for about 2 years, I have to say I am so proud of how he has grown. He is going to be an amazing man, just like his father.

#3- This firecracker is going into the big kid grade! While he is still a goof ball, he is definitely showing signs of maturity and I think he is going to rock 4th grade!
#4- Look out world, this girl is making waves! The spunky monkey is on her way to showing everyone that she is in control of her own destiny!

#5- Don't let her small stature confuse you, this young lady is proof that great things come in tiny packages! She is ready to take on the world, one step at a time!

#6- This beautiful girl has grown up so fast in the past two years. She has shown us all that she is smarter than she gives herself credit for and is definitely going to shine.

Watch out world, these kids are coming full force!