This week's writing prompt:
She is about three and a half feet tall, twenty five pounds, pig tails and dirty gym shoes. She is the answer to the prayer that I didn't know I was praying. She is beautiful, she is playful, and she exhausts me.
She is stubborn. I blame it on her father. She will sit on her bed, arms crossed and pout faced forever and a day before she will just say she is sorry to me for being rude, or being mean to her brother. She will go back into time out just to get out of doing what is asked of her.
And I wonder what monster I have created and sent into the world.
Long before she was born, my ex-husband, her father, was convinced she was going to be what he called "the trifecta". A deadly mix of her mother (me), her aunt (his sister) and her Mia (my mom); basically the three women on the planet that he was terrified of.
Then, on a cool January day, five years ago, the "bossy cow" was born. Of course we didn't call her that right away. That nickname, which was said in Polish (and I cannot spell it for the life of me) was the nickname of her aunt. Now, she passed it along to her godchild-before she was a month old.
My daughter has always been bossy. She was a fuss bucket when she was born. She seemed to calm down for a few months, but as
soon as she learned the art of manipulation on her older brothers, it was game on.
In a case like this, her great-grandmothers would say "Pray to Saint Ann and the Virgin Mary". I do pray, every night...please stop this little cute terror.
She is difficult, and I hope she stays that way when it comes to dating boys. I hope she is stubborn and picky. I hope she holds her head high and her values higher. I pray that she knows her value as a woman of God, and holds on to her virtue for the man HE has intended for her, and makes her his wife.
She is energetic. Maybe, she will learn to channel her energy to good. Maybe her stubbornness and bossiness will be used to change the world. She started Girl Scouts, so maybe this can be used for some serious cookie sales. Put this kid up against anything, she will overcome it...except giving in, to anybody. .

That was awesome!
ReplyDeleteI have a January daughter too. I think they would get along swimmingly as long as they had the same ideas! I always blame her stubbornness on her birthday, I have several friends who were born in January and are just as stubborn! I too pray these traits that try every ounce of my patience will one day be used only for good. Visiting from FMF, happy weekend to you!